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Design Rationale | The Cell | Gujarat Vidyapith

Partner Agencies

This project is a collaborative effort of various agencies coming together and working in harmony to create this heritage trail. These efforts started initially informally and as the progress started to show were solidified in form of various paper works.

Gujarat Vidyapith
We are indebted to our mothership. She holds this cell in her belly and has aided in the incremental progress over the years. The idea initially started from the campus itself and there in a plant blossoming in the campus with a memory plaque on it. The present office, official email address and other details are placed on their tabs.

Survey of India
The official partners for the map. This was one of the most difficult processes that the cell went through. There was a deep analytical study conducted by many volunteers, and other personals. The official map is a testament of collaboration and perseverance.

Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd.
They are official stay partners with the cell, they are also partners for the training of various other programs. The members have aided many travellers and students of Gujarat Vidyapith in past and are continuing to aid in same.

Ministry of Culture, Government of India
The organization is the present under the guiding light of the ministry and we as the cell are privileged to be under their guiding light.

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